Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tummy Temptation

I have always proudly pronounced myself to be (and anyone who knows me well can readily attest to the fact that I am) an ass man. Heh. But something interesting happened recently and it got me thinking.

I was out with friends, just a normal night out with a mixed group of guys/girls.. some of them couples, some of us single. Shooting pool, having drinks, lots of laughs, etc. There was one woman in the group, she was there with her boyfriend but there was an interesting thing going on between us. The fun flirty stuff that I really like because it's enjoyable but doesn't get messy. At one point cameras were out and pictures were being taken. She came over to me, wrapped her arm around my neck and said she wanted a picture with me. In the midst of posing I wrapped one arm around her and planted the other on her stomach. It was smooth, firm and incredibly attractive through the cloth of her top.
I then realized that about a month ago I had a similar experience. Someone I've known for a couple of years through work ran into my group in a downtown bar. She was fairly lit and let me know something that a friend of hers had actually revealed to me months ago, that she has had a crush on me since we first met. It was funny to run into her out of the blue. At some point a little making out ensues, but she's so lit that I'm more concerned with making sure she's okay and that she gets home safely with her friends. During the course of what was essentially me keeping her steady while we waited for her friends to bring the car around the same thing happened. My hands on her flat, firm stomach. Again, it was powerfully attractive.

I didn't give either episode much thought until a few nights ago when I had a somewhat vivid dream where I was kissing a woman (unknown) down her stomach. Again, flat, firm, smooth and very attractive. I remember being intensely attracted by every aspect of it.

I never really thought much about how attractive a nice midriff can be on a woman, but then I remembered the moment when I knew I suddenly wanted you. It was the night on the terrace under the stars. Same situation, we were holding hands, arms around each other loosely during the night and then at some point as I held you I put my palm flat against your stomach. I remember that the firm, smoothness of it affected me intensely. I wanted you more than anything at that moment. It was exactly at that moment that I went from finding you attractive and toying with fun little fantasies of what it would be like to sleep with you, to absolutely, positively, undeniably having to have you.

So, I guess I must have a pretty strong thing for sexy tummies. Heh.

Looking forward to the weekend. Going back up to D. I promised a friend that I'd take her to this sushi place over Christmas, but our schedules didn't line up so she then made me promise to come back "during Q1" for a rain check. That will be cool, but what I'm really looking forward to is something else that I didn't get around to during my holiday trips up: dinner at Ferrari's. I've been a few times since you and I went, usually making a point of going on my birthday or when I'm in town for Christmas, but this year it managed to slip by. Like always, it'll be fun to be in the places where we spent some time, especially ones where we closed the place down after 5 hours of conversation. Heh.

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